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5 Ways to excel at doing Boring Stock Investing
What is the fuss?
Investing is boring.
Those who enter stock investing to get the thrill of getting rich quickly, more often than not, burn their hands and learn the lesson of being patient the hard way.
Returns from investment come from a combination of good research, patience, inactivity, and allowing compounding to work its magic.
There are many blogs and books on perfecting the first part, researching and stock picking. But what about the second and equally important part, the boring part?
The itch to keep on doing something is hard to resist. The concept of hard work leading to success is deeply ingrained in our brains.
If we don’t work hard and take action constantly, we may feel we don’t deserve good results.
But in the world of stock investing, it is the opposite.
The hard part of the work is done before investing and building a sizeable position in select, high-quality stocks. After this, the harder part of going against your default beliefs, showing patience, and doing nothing work better.
In this post, I lay down five ways to excel at the second boring part of doing nothing and still get rewarded. Let’s get started.